IGA Elders
Elder Mission Statement
As elders we shall glorify God and show our love for Him by shepherding the flock of God among us, exercising oversight (John 21:15-17; 1 Peter 5:1-5). We shall proclaim the gospel and defend the truth (Matthew 28:19-20; Titus 1:9-11). We shall provide for “the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12). We shall be on guard for ourselves and for all the flock for which the Holy Spirit has made us overseers, knowing that one day we shall give an account to the Chief Shepherd (Acts 20:17-35; Hebrews 13:17). We recognize this is a high calling, requiring men full of the Spirit and wisdom, possessing godly character (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9). By God’s grace we shall be those men.
Elder Commitment
- To take a spiritual approach to ministry, serving in reliance upon God. In all that I do, I shall seek His wisdom and His ways both in my conduct and ministry.
- To never bring discredit to my office. Should I fail in this commitment, I shall bring the matter to the attention of my fellow elders, not waiting until my failure has been discovered by others. To personally care for the saints, knowing that my calling as an elder is not that of one who simply sits on a board of directors and makes decisions.
- To be a servant-leader, never lording my position over the flock, but being an example to them.
- To not allow my secular employment or ministry outside the local church to keep me from my responsibilities as an elder.
- To take the time to minister to those that I have asked to serve with me in ministry, keeping the needs of my team as a higher priority than the needs of the task before us.
- To be accountable to my fellow elders in my service, accepting their counsel and criticism.
- To seek to form a consensus with my fellow elders on matters under discussion that we might serve in unity. I will yield to those who have a greater knowledge of a matter or who will be more closely involved in its execution. I will not take offense when things are not done my way. Neither will I work in opposition to a decision once it has been made.
- To support the doctrinal position of the elders as a whole, never promoting a contrary teaching in the assembly. If in the course of time I am no longer be able to do this , I will step down from the eldership rather than cause division in the assembly.
- To respect my fellow elders by not wasting their time. I will consistently attend the meetings of the elders, informing them in advance of known absences. I will arrive on time and fully prepared. I will not engage in endless discussion, nitpicking, or theological wrangling.
- To take full responsibility to accomplish that which I commit myself to do. I will adhere to a “no excuse policy.” When matters outside my control prevent me from fulfilling my responsibilities, I will promptly take steps to see that my responsibilities are covered by others and that my fellow elders are informed. I will execute my responsibilities in a timely manner, including responding to phone messages and email letters.
- To guard the confidentiality of the work of the elders, not discussing with others any matter of a sensitive nature or that is scheduled to be made public at a later date.
- To step down from the eldership in the Lord’s timing. I will be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading and the consensus of my fellow elders in this matter, not wishing to remain in this office beyond the time allotted to me by the Lord. I will step down if I am unable to fulfill the above commitments for personal or family reasons, no longer sense the Lord’s calling, no longer meet the biblical requirements of being an elder, or believe that the time has come to place the oversight into the hands of the next generation. Desiring to serve in accordance with the common consent of my fellow elders and recognizing that a man is not his own best judge.